Review of "An inconvinient Truth"

-The Review of
We were all shown a documentary film in one of our classes. Though we didn't get to finish watching the documentary, we saw a good deal of it and were thoroughly impressed. We were initially met with a question of whether of not we had heard of the documentary anytime earlier... I don't recall any of us saying we had, except for one person (who happens to be my friend, Gautam)... I don't have memory of knowing anything about the movie. Although i distinctly recall seeing the movie's film poster somewhere on the internet before. (The one with the hurricane shaped smoke clouds emerging from industrial ducts)

We we told to a write a review of the movie, our personal views, thoughts and disagreements (if any)... So this post is exactly that.

What is is:

The movie takes a particular session of Al Gore's environment slide show presentation and puts in relevant details of his personal life and his efforts as individual to try to combat environment degradation as a whole. It doesn't follow a perfectly chronological order of events, that is, it doesn't continuously keep track of the slide show session. The movie goes off to scientific backing and relevant narratives to support Al Gore's claims and at certain times, side tracks to clips of himself explaining sections of the documentary.

The movie also covers Al Gore's own growth of interest of environmental conservation and how he planned to acted upon spreading the message he had taken interest to. The fact that he was a politician made it potentially easier for him to have a wide say in backing facts which were probably more known to be just theories than proven phenomenon. The movie has an interesting fall back and run to of off and on screen explanations which keeps the watchers interested. I read that the movie was actually part of school curriculum in certain of the world. This movie style was probably an audience winner to younger and (probably) immature viewer.

 The movie does highlight certain political aspects of Al Gore's earlier life. His narration talks about his personal feelings on his areas of (what he calls) setbacks and failures.

What i think =)

Alright... First off the movie is just brilliant. Both in terms of message and manner of conveyances. The fact that they use simple subject bounces to keep the subject interesting but still relevant is honestly quite genius like. He appeals to simple and basic human appreciation of beauty to gain psychological ground towards the audience. The way he casually spoke about the beauty of a the picture of the Earth which... so many of us have more certainly seen so many times before, made me think and take a different sense of appreciation of that simple picture.

He probably uses the same element to deal with other parts of the movie which may seem to steer from the theme. In places where it gets repeatedly factual, he reverts to off screen demonstrations of experiments or narrations of events to make his point.

The fact that he has scientific backing for every one his claims are about much everything an inquisitive viewer could ask for. This leaves no room for doubt, any which would prove to be merely political. He actually even indirectly mentions that.

i honestly do wonder what the general out come of the world would have been if he did make president. The most visible and sure change would be aversion to the Iraq war. (my views of which i shall no discuss)... And the fact that he would have most certainly got the chance to put in practice all the plans he had always wanted to accomplish. There doesn't seem to be a more appropriate person for the job... I at least tend to think that way.

I don't mind the political explanations he gives at a point somewhere in the middle. His rivals obviously though ill of his intentions and they probably played his "obsessions" to their benefit. Clips showing rivals taunting him of overture and being deranged about the environment does kind of disturb me. His intentions seem pretty clear to be and i don't see how one could try to see past anything but what it actually is. Makes me wonder if against genuine novelty is always met of opposition in every field of relevance.

The facts at times, did rather seem more made up than real. Meaning, they were that contrasting to what we generally believed. everything from the global temperature scale tangents to the arctic ice cap readings, to the recollection of mass animals extinctions to specific animal extinctions that took place specifically due to human action on nature, reckless action.

I'm led to believe that the essence of the problem lies in the fact that no one is willing to go first. It's obvious that the effects of the environment damage is now well known and easily felt in literally every part of commerce (One of the loudest speaking aspects of a country)... Every one is scared to the take the fall. The solutions, as Gore said, needn't have to include economic mal interest as one may think. But I'm of the opinion that yes, there had to be quite a significant economic compromise in re working the way we do things without hurting nature. So countries which are higher up in world power, seem to be afraid their stand in world power by sacrificing to hurt that everyone's suffering... And the hurt now, only seems fair because the hurt isn't much.

The movie wasn't completely a dark prophet style doomsday prophecy though... He did point out areas of triumph and victory over certain past failures. The aversion of CFC has apparently stopped the growth of the hole in the ozone layer. He applauds this and repeated exemplifies this saying that we could do it once... we can most certainly do it again. I agree with his on this...except for the fact this time... it must be done on a collective basis as problems countries face... are no longer completely domestic.


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